Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Writings - Part 1

Alright so I said that I was going to start posting up the things that I have written in the past to get them out there. As promised here they are. I am going to try to go chronologically from high school on through the present. Along the way I will drop little tidbits of information about the writings and I may sporadically through in some poems I have written in no certain order. When I post the high school writings I will be writing them up in Word and they will not be edited any further than they were back when I wrote them. I will also include the little notes that were put on there by the teacher or teacher aides or myself in italics.
If I decide to add anything as I write these up I will use bold letters and possibly a different color.
Now you'll hear me bitching about Hollywood stealing my ideas from time to time, but with this first story it is me ripping off Hollywood. You see I had just seen Platoon and this is basically my interpretation of it as you will soon see. After re-reading this it is also very much like the Vietnam part of Forrest Gump.
Now the other thing that you have to know about my high school writings is that most of the time a teachers aide was the one grading these papers and most of the time it was an aide named Anne Wolf who was a bit of a hippie chick into pottery and such so some of my stories have a little bit of me pandering to her for a better grade :)
Without further ado I give you story #1.
For now just copy and paste this link until I figure out how to get this to work like I want it to.


Wow that was a lot worse than I remembered it being. Ah high school.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh...Chad, that was so awesome!! Mostly because I laughed out loud at the stuff you added....but still. I will read everything you post and look forward to seeing your writing grow along with you. I wish I could have met teenage Chadler!
