Saturday, February 14, 2015

Old post

I posted an old post that was locked in a draft since 2011.
I am going to start posting my thoughts and stories more often. I want to be a writer right? So a writers gotta write and so I will. I vow to start putting up my thoughts and stories on a regular basis as I need to get off my ass and also I think it will help my sanity. See you soon!
Hello? Hey there you are! Haven't been on in a while. Have a touch of the flu so while I have evacuated my bowels and my stomach I figured I would evacuate some thoughts as well. Comic- Con 2011 is almost upon us and I am here to share a series of suggestions. I'll be on from time to time to update them but here is today's.
For those of you who will be new to SDCC this year here are some suggestions: know your fan types. Seriously this can save you time and embarrassment. There are many types of people and fanboys/fangirls that you will run into at Comic-Con. 1) follow the crowds - if you are new Comic-Con can be a bit overwhelming but depending on what you want to do there it doesn't need to be. If you want to watch the panels (the biggest of which is in Hall H) you will want to arrive very early in the morning. As your facing the convention center you will see a grassy area off to the left. There may or may not already be people there depending on how early you get there. As long as you already have your ticket this is where you will want to be. Here's some things to know. Don't be a dick! Wait in line just like everybody else and don't try to jump in with the crowd as they start letting people in. We all waited and you need to wait also. Listen to the police officers. They are there to keep the peace and keep things moving and orderly. Do not listen to security. Follow the others that are going where you want to go and do what they do. Now this doesn't mean to be a dick to security but as anyone that has attended Comic-Con in the past can tell you the security at the con is a bit of a joke and the guards are completely arbitrary with what they will and won't allow. So to review don't be an asshole to them, just ignore them and go with the flow. 2) do your research ahead of time. I cannot stress this enough there is nothing like being prepared when you get in those doors. Know what you want to see and where you want to go, where it is taking place and at what time. You could try asking directions from security (are you not paying attention to what I just told you???) DO NOT TALK TO SECURITY! Even if they don't just stare at you like you are speaking Klingon (which you might be as this is Comic-Con) chances are they'll send you to the wrong place anyway. Seriously DON'T ENGAGE THEM! They are there to make sure everyone has a badge out and turned in the right direction, preventing you from going through a door to the outside that would get you to your destination in a timely and efficient manner, nit letting you back into Hall H without going back through the line even though you just stepped outside for a smoke and then to make sure everyone moves up and in in Hall H to make room for everyone. That is all they are there for. If you must ask for directions/information there will be some rules. If you are a Twilighter you really shouldn't talk to anyone but the other Twilighters. No one at the con likes you. You have made it harder for fans that have been coming for years to get in and if you (like me) were there when Twilight first came to Comic-Con then your ears are probably still ringing from the shrieking of thousands of young girls. Now if you are one of the aforementioned Twilighters and you must, absolutely must, ask for help and none of your fellow "team" members are around there are a select few groups that may be gracious enough to help out. 1) The Browncoats - we (yes I consider myself one of them) still believe in chivalry (Cap'n) and would probably be willing to give you the assistance you require without to much guff. 2) Star Wars fans - I also consider myself to be Star Wars fan and I think we may be the best fans (suck it Trekkies). There is one caveat to asking for help from the costumed Star Wars fan. You need to speak with a Jedi (look for robes of tan and brown, not black) the Jedi order is one of peace and goodwill to the all in the galaxy and it is part of their code of honor to help those in need. DO NOT ASK FOR HELP FROM A STORMTROOPER! Even if they acknowledge your presence you are more than likely just going to receive their customary response of "move along". Here's a paradox to the whole Twilight thing that I find amusing. If you were to ask a question of one of the Twilighters and you are not one of them they will be completely rude to you unless of course they are with their mom and that conversation would go a little something like this: "Jenny that man just asked you where ballroom 20 is". "I know mom but he's not part of the "team" and I told you only to call me Bella, ugh". Yeah that's pretty much verbatim. And while I'm on the Kristen Stewart thing what is the deal with her "thousand yard stare" ? Seriously she is a little frightening with her dead lifeless eyes and face devoid of any human emotion. I am 100% sure that in a previous life she was a marine corps sniper. You wont talk me out of that one. Now a few words about Hall H. I won't give all my tips (I've got to save a few for myself) but here are some important ones. 1) try to go to the bathroom before you get in. Seriously the bathroom in Hall H is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. I mean everything is wet in there all the time. Let's face it nerds aren't the cleanest people. If you must use the bathroom in there the best time to go is in between programs because there are usually a lot of people that will leave between programs and there is a short window between when they let in the new people for the next program. Try to pack in your own food. You will find this advice all around the Internet but it needs to be reiterated. Not only is the food at Comic-Con ridiculously over priced it may also upset your stomach forcing you to sit on a wet toilet (honestly why is EVERYTHING wet in that bathroom) in Hall H because you HAD to have that $8 slice of greSy con pizza while all your friends enjoyJoss Whedon previewing the Avengers.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, June 28, 2013


So I saw these bumper stickers on a car yesterday. The first one said "don't pray in our schools and we won't think in your church" an underneath that was "got science?" I am going to rant for a bit because it struck me as ignorant and I am tired of the morons on both side of this issue. The message that this idiot is trying to get across is one that has been going back and forth for awhile now. The belief that you can believe in logic/science OR you can believe in God. Fucking idiocy! The bumper sticker implies that if you pray then you don't belong in school. And that if you think (read: are intelligent) then you don't go to church. Basically it's a bumper sticker that implies if you believe in God you must be a moron. Go fuck yourself sir! This fight belongs in the south where you have Christians on one side saying we need prayer in school and children need to be taught creationism and not evolution. It's a stupid argument on BOTH sides. This country is founded on freedom of religion or more specifically freedom from religious persecution. We also have a separation of church and state. So a school forcing children to pray (most likely a Christian prayer) is legally wrong. What if some of the children are Muslim,Jewish,Buddhist, etc.? Is it right to make them pray a Christian prayer in a public school? No, it's not only wrong it is in fact illegal under the rules of church and state. Now atheists, don't get all smug. I am not done. This country also has a first amendment which give us all the freedom of speech. So if a child in school wants to pray alone or with his/her friends he has every right to do that too. No one can tell that child that he/she cannot do that. Anyway. In the south there is a debate between Christians and evolutionists as to what should be taught in schools as far as the creation of the universe. Guess what? No one knows!!!! Evolution is a theory. It's based on Darwin's principles and interpretations of his findings and theories regarding life. Well hate to break this to you all but Darwin was just a man. And as a man he is fallible. He took what he saw and made conclusions. Is he right? Who knows? He thought so and he has followers that believe him. The bible says that God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days. Is that right? No one knows!!! Unless you ARE God you cannot answer that unequivocally. As a Christian you take it on faith that its true as its what the bible says but can you KNOW that it really happened that way? No, you cannot. And anyone that says they can is at least misguided and at worst a liar. Faith and certainty are not the same. Faith is believing in something you cannot prove. Also I'm sure that other religions have they're own take on how we came to be here. Now should evolution be taught in school? I don't know. Darwin did exist an he did come up with this theory. I don't know why that cannot be taught as it is factual. I would say though that to say "listen up children. This IS how the universe was formed and man evolved from a primordial soup." is to lie to our youth because as I said before it cannot be proven. For the record I am a Christian albeit not the best. I don't go to church like I should, I swear (obviously), and I don't always do the right thing. That being said my faith and belief in God is unwavering. Getting back to mister shit head with the bumper sticker. For someone to believe that believers are stupid and that an intelligent person or scientist has no place in their life for God is just insulting and infantile. I don't know why people need to believe that these 2 things are mutually exclusive. I am sure there are scientists that believe in God. And I am sure there are believers that are very intelligent. To have that viewpoint that NO prayer belongs in school is infuriating. I am sure that those poor little kids who were in the middle of the Sandy Hook tragedy were comforting themselves by focusing on the velocity and the angle of the bullets traveling toward them…… oh wait they were probably screaming for their parents and praying for help. But no, prayer never belongs in school and only morons go to church.
Sorry this is all over the place but this "science or God" argument is garbage.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Alex's Twilight Review

Procrastination thy name is Chad.

Yes I promised to post Alex's review quite some time ago.

Without further ado I give you Alex!

Hello readers guess who it is; you’re always wonderful guest writer Alex. Today I would like to write a review about the all “wonderful Twilight.” Before I tell you about my grievances I would like to start off by saying god bless America and the first Amendment right. If this right was not around I would probably commit suicide out of pure anger and frustration of not being able to vent about one of the WORST series ever made. So as you are reading this I advise you that if you are a Twilight fan, to turn your computer off, turn the fireplace on and read your beloved Twilight, but if you are like me and absolutely loath Twilight, then I suggest you keep reading. Please try to keep up because I will be switching back and forth between the two movies. Thank you and enjoy.

Let’s start with the story in general shall we. When the hell did vampires stop dying in sunlight, isn’t that one of the main points of vampires is the fact that they can’t be in sunlight. Here is the best part, you can’t kill vampires with wooden stakes anymore either, you have to tear them apart limb by limb and set them on fire, “WHAT THE HELL”. I believe I am speaking for a lot of people when I say this totally blows. Not only is it a big insult that vampires don’t die in sunlight but it is a even bigger one when they sparkle. WOW! In this story every vampire apparently has a super, I can buy that (only because vampires generally have super strength and can fly). Now if anyone has seen Underworld it is like Twilight but a million times better, because it was a love story between a vampire and a human except it came out first and it was good. Did the author of this book think she was original or did she know that she was biting this story off an original movie? This story in general is a piece of trash.

Now that you have an idea of what the story is all about the fun part is reviewing the movie, my passion. Let’s begin with the fact that literally only gay or flamboyant actors were cast for the roles of every character. Honestly watching this movie I felt a little gay, when some of the teenagers were acting, it was like there was a teleprompter in front of them and they were just reading their lines for the first time. In the sequel to Twilight, New Moon, every chance a guy got to take his shirt off, guess what he did, he took his shirt off, it was literally a movie about Hanes models that got either scratched by a werewolf or bit by a vampire. In the highlight of that film Dakota Fanning’s 7 minute part was very good because she is talented, but come on, she is way better than this. In these movies there was not one time where Kristen Stewart did not stop biting her lip, Oh My God, if she quit biting her lip for one second maybe I would get more into the character, but no she didn’t. Why when Bella came over to the vampire’s house for a dinner date was she served Italian food did the director think this was funny and or a joke; it wasn’t, considering Italian food mostly has GARLIC in it. I honestly think I speak for everyone when I say this movie was complete trash, with a capital T. Now I’m not saying I hate gay or flamboyant people by writing this review but seriously there aren’t any straight vampires? I think society would’ve honestly survived without encountering this film, EVER! This is another review from your always sincere guest writer Alex Dale.

Now I have to assume that this review is sarcastic since I found the following photo of Alex from last years Comic-Con.

Friday, April 9, 2010


If man "evolved" FROM apes; why then are there still … apes?
Are they just really lazy humans?
Evolve already you damn dirty ape!

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Our intrepid, angst filled, teenage reporter Alex has written a review of Twilight:New Moon that he wants to share with everyone.
I will have it up tonight for everyone to enjoy.
I think he really liked this one though.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Writings - Part 1

Alright so I said that I was going to start posting up the things that I have written in the past to get them out there. As promised here they are. I am going to try to go chronologically from high school on through the present. Along the way I will drop little tidbits of information about the writings and I may sporadically through in some poems I have written in no certain order. When I post the high school writings I will be writing them up in Word and they will not be edited any further than they were back when I wrote them. I will also include the little notes that were put on there by the teacher or teacher aides or myself in italics.
If I decide to add anything as I write these up I will use bold letters and possibly a different color.
Now you'll hear me bitching about Hollywood stealing my ideas from time to time, but with this first story it is me ripping off Hollywood. You see I had just seen Platoon and this is basically my interpretation of it as you will soon see. After re-reading this it is also very much like the Vietnam part of Forrest Gump.
Now the other thing that you have to know about my high school writings is that most of the time a teachers aide was the one grading these papers and most of the time it was an aide named Anne Wolf who was a bit of a hippie chick into pottery and such so some of my stories have a little bit of me pandering to her for a better grade :)
Without further ado I give you story #1.
For now just copy and paste this link until I figure out how to get this to work like I want it to.

Wow that was a lot worse than I remembered it being. Ah high school.