Friday, April 9, 2010


If man "evolved" FROM apes; why then are there still … apes?
Are they just really lazy humans?
Evolve already you damn dirty ape!

-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Actually as you can see cave men are not alive because the theory is that nature changes species to suit a specific environment as shown by Darwin, this cavemen comment shown earlier shows that whatever it is nature intended cavemen did not fit that environment. Hence why the birds on the Galapagos island change the size of beaks each severe environmental change.Now back to my ape point, everything in the middle between humans and apes could cope with whatever sort of predator, food, etc. was out there therefore there was the evolution from cavemen to human. As you can see monkeys are still alive because the manage there environment with an equivalence of intellect and strength but humans cope with their environment because of their mass intellect. Do you see why the damn dirty apes are still the way they are?
